Google in effort to expand its reach and to take a bite of the social networking cake, announced Google+ or Google Plus, a long-awaited social network rival of Facebook. Google has been trying to take a crack of the social market for years which resulted the content sharing features of Wave and Buzz (Wave fizzled out, Buzz became clouded with privacy complaints resulting in a lawsuit and an FTC settlement)
Many has been waiting for Google big jump into social especial since the launch of its +1 button. And then on Tuesday 29, Google plus was announced.
At a first glance at Google+, one wonders it this is just another link to get to Facebook. It bears so much resemblance to Facebook, it is clear that Google+ gathers its features from existing social networks.
The main features include;
- Circles allows you to group contacts into friends, family, school, work and, just like Facebook, send messages to any of the target groups.
- Sparks acts like an RSS reader or Facebook newsfeed.
- Hangouts features live group video chats, able to hold meeting of up to 10 people.
- Instant Uploads take care of the mobile aspect of social networking. Users pictures are automatically uploaded unto a private album and the user decide with whom to share which picture with.
- Huddle is a group texting feature, letting you chat with group members with your mobile phone – just like Beluga, which Facebook acquired in March.
Is Google in for a wrong move with this deal? Can Google effectively and conveniently fix into their web of existing apps and services, a social network.
So many things has happened at Google during the past year including stepping-out and stepping-in of some big shots. The slick-looking and Wavy confusing lining up of “circles”, “sparks”, “hungouts” and “huddles” could have been the result of an effort to make Google more sociable. It is also important to determine if this new dimension is consistent with the company’s DNA.
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